@w03_ thanks, I have indeed heard of Noflo! Haven’t experimented with it much yet due to their focus on the backend framework. I’m working on a similar thing, focused completely on experimenting with programming UI: waterpigs.co.uk/intertubes
@w03_ thanks, I have indeed heard of Noflo! Haven’t experimented with it much yet due to their focus on the backend framework. I’m working on a similar thing, focused completely on experimenting with programming UI: waterpigs.co.uk/intertubes
#indieweb goal: by 2014-01-01, no longer be using twitter.com to read+reply to my friends’ content.
It’s already possible to use web action toolbelt to add indieweb reply/bookmark buttons to twitter.com and weave to expand POSSEd copies into full posts, but I think that’s as far as the “progressively enhance the twitter UI for indieweb support” train goes. Remaining pain points:
Pieces in place allowing a seamless transition from using twitter.com:
Pain points still to be resolved:
@julien51 indeed, I have plans for a caching system using superfeedr, as I’ve quickly found that keeping the feedback loops as tiny as possible is vital for productive piping! What’s your preferred communication method? I hear jitsi does pretty good encrypted voice/video calls these days…
Archiving some of my old email, I find this blast from the recent past (March 2012) in Mac app idea form:
Postflow: A tool for social media power-users. Interactively create automator-like 'postflows' that allow you to quickly and effectively post the same bit of content to lots of different social networks.
With useful features, such as:
- Real-time execution and editing: Work through a postflow step by step, changing it and the content you're posting as you go along.
- Floating Results window that displays text and links to everything you've posted so far in the flow. Automatically shorterns URLS.
- Preset Variables: Set a list of commonly used items e.g. your URL, @twitter_name, other social network profile page URL, etc.
- Fully automated postflows (?): Set up postflows that take one input and does everything else by it's self.
- Extensive library of posting actions
- Quick Post UI: For small updates that still need to go out to lots of people. Forego some of the fine-grained control of a full postflow for sheer speedyness.
- Ability to add other networks through a plugin creator (?) will work provided basic API types are supported.
- Automated admin work: Change profile photo, description, details on multiple networks simultaneously.
The Quick Post utility by it's self could be given away as a free sampler of the more advanced full Postflow — gives people the 'post to lots of networks intelligently' ability, but not the advanced features or customisation
Hmm, that sounds suspiciously like a certain Yahoo Pipes clone I’m working on…
Wondering if Yahoo! still #selfdogfood YQL — mentioned in 2010 (web archive link) that it powers their homepage amongst other things, therefore much less likely to get randomly shut down.
This evening: documented Yahoo! Pipes UI in case of sudden shutdown, built first mockup of web dataflow UI using jsplumbtoolkit.com — really excellent library, exactly the right balance between functionality and framework. It gives you a lot but doesn’t dictate how to use it.
Playing with Yahoo Pipes for the first time. This is the UI I’ve been dreaming of for years. The data sources are bogged down with nasty RSS/ATOM semantics, but that’s mostly irrelevant. The important things:
I made a Pipe to convert #microformats2 h-feed/h-entry markup into RSS from scratch in about 15 mins, having never used the tool before (bear in mind also that this is not a tool built for consuming mf2 data structures): Convert Microformats to RSS. The tiny feedback loop the Pipes tool provides, both in deploying, sharing and debugging, enabled Tantek Çelik to find a bug in his site’s markup.
Again: WHY DOES NO-ONE KNOW ABOUT THIS? If it’s because processing stodgy, outdated, DRY-violating formats is its bread and butter, fair enough. Let’s rebuild this with microformats2.