CityNatureChallenge 2021: Notable Species in Graz

I was asked to perform the same analysis as I did for the CNC Wien for the data from Graz, so here it is.

Species in bold are ones for which the given observer has one or more research-grade observations.

If only one person has RG observations of a species, but other people have observations which need ID, the number of needs-ID observers are indicated in parentheses. For example:

Centranthus ruber (Red Valerian)
means the observer is the only one to have observed that species, but none of their observations are research grade.
Cercopis arcuata
means the observer is the only one to have observed that species, and one or more of those observations are research grade.
Polydesmus complanatus (Flat-backed Millipede) (1)
means that the observer and one other person have observed that species, but only the listed observer has research-grade observations of it.

Quick links: Notable Species, Observers. Use your browser’s Find In Page function to search for species names or iNat usernames for quick navigation.

Notable Species

These species have either been observed ≤ 5 times within Graz, or ≤ 10 times on iNaturalist globally.


@gernotkunz (205 taxa):

@ch_berg (83 taxa):

@gfriebes (62 taxa):

@merleg (60 taxa):

@sebastianploner (39 taxa):

@martina_poeltl (36 taxa):

@peter_bilovitz (35 taxa):

@benjamingorfer (30 taxa):

@martin_grube (25 taxa):

@rt_tzui (25 taxa):

@johannagu (24 taxa):

@stefankunz (20 taxa):

@emanuelkern_nuc (19 taxa):

@jonathanwilfling (18 taxa):

@anton120 (16 taxa):

@dm_gergely (16 taxa):

@valimycota (15 taxa):

@franzhillebrand (15 taxa):

@harrykomposch (15 taxa):

@uwekozina (13 taxa):

@t_oswald (13 taxa):

@flowdo (11 taxa):

@tarina2 (11 taxa):

@susanneleonhartsberger (10 taxa):

@leokuzmits (9 taxa):

@lukaszangl (9 taxa):

@birgits (9 taxa):

@bettina7 (8 taxa):

@meri737 (8 taxa):

@petzenbeer (8 taxa):

@fekraker (8 taxa):

@alexanderweihs (7 taxa):

@meli_gr (7 taxa):

@annikazeller (7 taxa):

@christiiiinchen (7 taxa):

@mondblumenzeit (7 taxa):

@lauramona (7 taxa):

@juliamep (7 taxa):

@ihaerringer (7 taxa):

@annauschi (6 taxa):

@gurucumi (6 taxa):

@chrikomposch (6 taxa):

@synaptin (6 taxa):

@tamara0815 (5 taxa):

@rainerburkard (5 taxa):

@alexandra575 (5 taxa):

@julesglad (5 taxa):

@ioanapadure (4 taxa):

@lore_grill (4 taxa):

@wernergaggl (4 taxa):

@antrum (4 taxa):

@ritasuendh (4 taxa):

@jonas156 (3 taxa):

@christoph_posch (3 taxa):

@frini (3 taxa):

@thatilja (3 taxa):

@leolorber (3 taxa):

@richardkunz (3 taxa):

@rupertfauster (3 taxa):

@nora_s (3 taxa):

@cardaminops (3 taxa):

@ahp-steiermark (3 taxa):

@edithstabentheiner (3 taxa):

@noahdonauer (2 taxa):

@nora_le (2 taxa):

@hui86 (2 taxa):

@annagalle (2 taxa):

@michibachler (2 taxa):

@wibie (2 taxa):

@birgitmanuela (2 taxa):

@jenni-preihs (2 taxa):

@fred220 (2 taxa):

@julie_herzele (2 taxa):

@moanna (2 taxa):

@lorenz-wido (2 taxa):

@bryoniad12 (2 taxa):

@thomas_riedasch (2 taxa):

@hiirly (2 taxa):

@sand_castle (2 taxa):

@laura1324 (2 taxa):

@alinamajcen (2 taxa):

@lillhuby (2 taxa):

@dennisbeck91 (2 taxa):

@pauropus (2 taxa):

@frank_w (1 taxa):

@steffen_bohm (1 taxa):

@lukas_pirkner (1 taxa):

@alyssa_13 (1 taxa):

@davidnayer (1 taxa):

@jasminacujes (1 taxa):

@hildrun (1 taxa):

@andreasbauer (1 taxa):

@doc19 (1 taxa):

@quendix (1 taxa):

@claumodia (1 taxa):

@michaelhaag (1 taxa):

@stschuk (1 taxa):

@mariareicht (1 taxa):

@gizz55 (1 taxa):

@oliver_zweidick (1 taxa):

@christoph16 (1 taxa):

@gina1612 (1 taxa):

@hcooh (1 taxa):

@brigittegrabner (1 taxa):

@isabella_klemen (1 taxa):

@vikis (1 taxa):

@ra_na (1 taxa):

@wolfganggessl (1 taxa):

@sdgraz (1 taxa):

@maxbecke (1 taxa):

@johannes_s (1 taxa):

@laragartler (1 taxa):

@monteur (1 taxa):

@ulli20 (1 taxa):

@claudial (1 taxa):