1. php-mf2 v0.3.0 is released! This long overdue update contains a variety of bugfixes and new features:

    • Requires PHP 5.4 at minimum (PHP 5.3 is EOL)
    • Licensed under CC0 rather than MIT
    • Merges Pull requests #70, #73, #74, #75, #77, #80, #82, #83, #85 and #86.
    • Variety of small bug fixes and features including improved whitespace support, removal of style and script contents from plaintext properties
    • All PHPUnit tests passing finally
    • Many thanks to @aaronpk, @diplix, @dissolve, @dymcx @gRegorLove, @jeena, @veganstraightedge and @voxpelli for all your hard work opening issues and sending and merging PRs!



  2. New release: php-mf2 v0.2.12 is out!

    In this version: bugfixes! Improved implied name parsing! Merged pull requests! Full details and contributor list in the changelog.

    In related news, the packagist website has been updated and looks very nice! Unfortunately all of my version links are now broken though. And apparently php-mf2 has been installed almost 3000 times (using composer, which is not even the most common installation method) — WOW! Here’s the to the next 3000, and more :)